Establishing a garden from scratch takes a lot of work. But, maintaining it over the years for proper growth and flower flow is essential — every gardener is concerned about the beauty of his or her garden. Caring for your garden is not a difficult thing. Instead by taking daily and small routine steps, you can preserve and upkeep the beauty of your garden. So, it’s time to stay active and make your consistent efforts of gardening fun.
Good quality Seeds and Flowers
Whether you are growing your own garden plants or bringing them from the nursery, you have to check the quality of them. In order to blossom them well. Suppose plants are of low quality. It will sadden you because they might leave you in the mid-season. Your hard work and efforts will get wasted in growing plants with common attributes.
For checking plant attributes you can seek guidance from farmers or take information about your desired plants from the internet or agriculture books.
Compassionate your Plants' needs
As plants are living. We feed them with water so, it's good to bear the needs of your individual plants. Before, plantation you have to have all the necessary information about each individual plant. Some plants need less water and others need more. Moreover, not all plant requirement is sunlight. Or not all plants love shades for their growth.
Water Periodically
Plants need only water for their growth, respiration and as well as development. If the water supply is not optimal they may die soon and not blossom as per your thinking. Too much or too little water is harmful to your plants.
How much and when you water plants depends upon the environment, seasons and varieties of the plants. For healthy plant growth watered them wisely and generously. New seeds and plants need water often.
Weeds and Pest Control
Weeds and pests are the foremost enemies of your plants. They spread swiftly among plants. eat their cellular tissues and hinder their growth and development. On the other hand, weeds are culprits in extracting main plant nutrients leaving plants hungry and desiccated over time.
Henbit, chickweed, clover, fungi bacteria and mites are some common varieties of weeds and pests respectively. Pesticides and herbicides are available in the market for pest and weed control. Make sure you select the right killer for pests and weeds and target them, not your own plant. Otherwise, it will spread poison into your healthy plants and harm them.
Keep Plant Tools Clean
Plant tools are good for cutting prunes and leaves. Equipment used for plants should be cleaned often for the sake of plant health. Water can, pruning shears( Scissors), and garden broom for sweeping leaves away. All these tools should be kept aside. Wash and clean them after use.
Your garden is the source of happiness for you, meanwhile giving the aesthetic beauty of your home. Making it and maintaining it well is your utmost duty. Upkeep of gardens does not require much money but a routine and constant effort. All these efforts will pay you back. Happiness follows you and your gardens. How do you maintain your garden routinely, weekly or monthly?